Saturday, February 26, 2011


  1. Nickname: 
  2. Why did you choose it?  
  3. Does it mean anything particular to you?  
  4. Would you change it? 
  5. How often do you blog (posts per month)? 
  6.  What do you write about? 
  7.  Why do you blog? 
  8. Do you blog when you feel happy?
  9. Do you blog when you feel sad?
  10. Do you blog when you need advice?
  11. Do you just blog because you have free time?
  12.  How many hours a week do you spend other people’s blogs? 
  13.  Do you agree that I use your posts (last 6 months from now) for my research? 
Thank you

How it is carried out?

I am going to follow 50 Blogger users who agree to have their posts of the last 6 months analyzed by me. It is an open research aimed to encourage people express their individuality openly.
Who can participate?
-          Anyone, no matter if English is your mother tongue, no matter what your age, sex and color is.
1. Follow my blog
2. Fill out the questionnaire
3. Agree to open research of your posts (6 past months)
4. Read my findings

Let the research begin.

For thousands of years people cannot find an answer to the question: what is an individual?
Various sciences were busy answering the question, trying to investigate the essence of the individual, create a scheme to estimate those individual features, and still there is not clear definition what is an individual and why we all are so different.
I am currently busy with a linguistic research focused on estimation of the individuality of social media network’s users and try to analyze from a sociolinguistic point of view how a person can express personality by means of words.
I am welcoming Bloggers to participate in such an exciting research and follow my blog.

Vera Bakker